Yeah, I've been busy lately. Not really an excuse for not blogging, though, since I've made time to watch things like the Heroes finale, the
Tinman miniseries and the movie
Enchanted (I loved it! I can't say it enough!!)
There are a lot of things I thought about writing about...but for now I'm going to focus on the things immediately at hand.
New Noel. It's this Saturday (the 15th). If you live around here, please come! 6pm, at Memorial Park Church. The theme is "Joy to the World," and we'll be looking at how Jesus' birth is good news for the whole world, and for us, too. There will be music, scripture, and videos, among other things. It's going to be fun, so plan to come.
Blue Christmas. It's the 22nd, also at 6, and also at MPC. This will be a very different kind of service, but I believe it will be equally good. It is geared more toward quiet reflection, acknowledgment of the things that often come between us and the Good News of Christ's Coming, and the Hope that this season brings. Christ came to be Human, to meet us in our brokenness. He came to be God with us, and that goes for everyone, whether we feel excited and happy about it or not.
If you know someone who is struggling with feeling joyful this year, or who is missing someone who has passed on, please invite them (and accompany them!) to this service. Let's take an hour (or two, if you come to both!) out of our crazy, hectic schedules to let ourselves remember what Good News this holiday really brings.
I've been feeling frazzled myself, and not really in the "spirit"...until last week, when I was caught off guard by
Relient K's new Christmas album ("Let it Snow, Baby...Let it Reindeer"). In between renditions of familiar songs that made me just laugh out loud, were these poignant songs about how hard the holidays can be, but how there is still hope.
I believe that, or I would not be involved in either of these services.
I hope you'll come.
But if not, I hope that you find Hope and Joy this Christmas, wherever you are.