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A Tale of Two Blogs

SO, I got sucked into this tumblr thing...but now I feel sort of disloyal to blogger, where I got my blogging start.

Eventually, I will have to find a way to divide the content.  Perhaps this one will be more about my writing, and tumblr will be about life & thoughts in general.  I haven't decided yet.  We'll see!

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc?

Does anyone actually still read this?


Anonymous said...

I still read it. Now that you post everything to fb, I read them also. Boy, it's a lot to keep up with though. How do you do it???

Wendy McConnell said...

I read it too! I have multiples, as you do... I guess I just use them each for different purposes. I have 3 on blogger, for poetry, life/faith, and the yellow house. I put quotes and pictures on my tumblr. HOW do we keep it all straight??? :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I agree with Wendy. I like Tumblr for the "drive-by" blogging aspect. You know, post a little snippet here and there.

Untameable Heart will have to stay at Blogger, because I wouldn't ask my hubby to rewrite all that html just to transfer blogs.

But I will say that I like Tumblr better, because it is sooooo much more user friendly. Don't feel disloyal to Blogger, it's no biggie.