Well, another S.A.D. has come and gone. Things didn't quite work out according to plan...we had a really bad snow/ice storm here that lasted through Tuesday and Wednesday. The roads were pretty bad; I called Laser Storm and they told me they were closing early. *frowny-face*
SO Kyle and I had some quick thinking to do. Luckily we were both home because of the bad roads. We put our heads together and decided to try to make the inclement weather work for us. Instead of Laser Tag, we invited people to go sledding and have a snowball fight. The snowball fight (my idea) didn't happen--it wasn't really the right kind of snow. But we did try sledding (Kyle's idea). By 'we,' I mean three other people besides my brother and I. (Hey, the roads were terrible!)

So the five us went to my dad's church (where I also work at the Pregnancy Care Centers; our tiny Admin Office is located there) and proceeded to sled down the hill. Now, I haven't been sledding in years. Decades, probably. And literally. But I had fun (I was freezing, because I have no winter gear).
One of our crew(*ahem! James! ahem!*) is slightly more serious about sledding than the rest of us; he brought his own sled and (if you can picture this) used it rather like a snowboard. OF COURSE the other guys had to try it that way. Standing up, holding on to the little string loop that served as the 'reins'...yeah. Brilliant. Only a guy would have thought of such a thing.
Here's where I got stupid: I thought it looked like fun. And what can I say? I've been up for adventure lately. Somehow my new creedo in life has become to not let fear hold me back (recent involvements with needles to adorn my body might ring a bell). So why shouldn't I try it? So I might fall. Big deal. Well, I did fall, several times. Most of my falls were soon enough that it was not a big deal. I was even given a lesson on the proper technique. I was determined to get to the bottom of the hill! But when I actually did, when I stopped being afraid of falling, I crashed. OUCH!!
I've been laughing at myself all day. I actually don't regret trying it, even though I'm still sore, and my leg still does hurt. I think I'll be fine in a couple of days. I mean, in one sense, you could argue that I was crazy for trying it, and you'd be right. But it was fun (up until the pain), and I am kind of proud of myself for at least trying. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. I guess I'm blaming the Day of Love, and my new-found Love of Adventure, among other things.
After all, we're all gonna die (sooner or later); and not everyone really lives.
I don't know if it's your love of *adventure* that you should blame...
i think i'm going to have to agree with brianne on that point.
Yeah, okay, guys...way to read between the lines. You're just lucky my blog isn't more popular (i don't think). But I have been more adventurous lately, and I need to blame something...
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